Monday, May 30, 2011
Voltes V and Friendster
Since this is the first time am gonna write here. Please dont laugh. What happen today, i have so many problems i dont know what to do. Since i can’t resolve anyone of them i start watching TV. Good thinking mario. I just came accross this Voltes reruns. Luckily, it was the first episode. Same old gang of Steve, Mark, Big Bert, Little John and the beautiful chick named Jamie. If your not familiar with them. then, your not a Filipino. Why? Cause its the only japanese cartoon that was tested (english dubbed) here . The former President Marcos cancelled and ban Voltes V from airing on TV. Diffrent theories rose about it. ake your pick: (1) It conveyed message of rebellion (2) too much violence (watch out for Bleach) (3) the bozanian (evil) emperor was named Ferdinand (Ferdinand Marcos) issue and the Bozanian general was named Ver (Fabian Ver) (4) Channel 7 out rated 2 govt channels or (5) Too much hot sex - i wish. That’s why its considered the longest running cartoon - 20 years before you can watch the ending. What a joke. Despite of being japanese it is truly significant to the filipino society and history. We even have Tagalog opening song:
Sana ngayon kami ay malaki na
Upang makatulong sa hustisya
Huhulihin namin ang masasamang tao
Itatapon sa loob ng kalaboso
Ang mga kidnapper, carnapper dog-napper
isnatser at mga hold-up-er
Lilipunin naming lahat
Voltes V tatandaan
Yan po ang tatak namin
‘Pag nakita ninyo kami
magtago na kayo
Walang biro, lagot kayo
Pati na lolo n’yo!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Ten Ways to Increase Comment Numbers on Your Blog

Repost ko lang. ewan ko kung san ko nakuha to. Naghahanap ako ng new comment link ng Blogger, eto tumambad sa akin. Katamad basahin dahil ingles. Save ko muna dito. Paki basa po at paki kwento na lang sa akin.
1. Invite Comments – I notice that when I specifically invite comments that people leave them in higher numbers than when I don’t. To some degree this confuses me as most of my readers know that they can leave comments on any post – but I guess inviting a comment triggers a response to some extent. Also keep in mind that new readers that are unfamiliar with blogging don’t always know about comments or how to use them – invitations to participate in well laid out and easy to use comments systems are good for helping them participate.
2. Ask Questions – Including specific questions in posts definitely helps get higher numbers of comments. I find that when I include questions in my headings that it is a particularly effective way of getting a response from readers as you set a question in their mind from the first moments of your post.
3. Be Open Ended - If you say everything there is to say on a topic you’re less likely to get others adding their opinions because you’ll have covered what they might have added. While you don’t want to purposely leave too many things unsaid there is an art to writing open ended posts that leaves room for your readers to be experts also.
4. Interact with comments left - If you’re not willing to use your own comments section why would your readers? If someone leaves a comment interact with them. This gets harder as your blog grows but it’s particularly important in the early days of your blog as it shows your readers that their comments are valued, it creates a culture of interactivity and gives the impression to other readers that your comments section is an active place that you as the blogger value. As the activity in your comments section grows you may find you need to be slightly less active in it as readers will start to take over on answering questions and creating community – however don’t completely ignore your comment threads.
5. Set Boundaries - I noticed that shortly after I set the rules for my comments section (with acomments policy) that my comment numbers jumped up a little. I’m not sure if it was just a coincidence or whether readers responded to knowing what was and wasn’t acceptable. It’s just a theory but I think a well managed and moderated comments section that is free of spam and that deals with well with people stepping out of line is an attractive thing to readers. I personally don’t mind people expressing different opinions to one another in comments but when I sense things are getting a little out of hand and too personal I often step in to attempt to bring some order to the situation (I rarely delete non spam comments). I find that people have responded to this and that comment threads generally stay constructive as a result.
6. Be humble – I find that readers respond very well to posts that show your own weaknesses, failings and the gaps in your own knowledge rather than those posts where you come across as knowing everything there is to know on a topic. People are attracted to humility and are more likely to respond to it than a post written in a tone of someone who might harshly respond to their comments.
7. Be gracious – Related to humility is grace. There are times where you as the blogger will get something wrong in your posts. It might be spelling or grammar, it could be the crux of your argument or some other aspect of your blogging. When a someone leaves a comment that shows your failing it’s very easy to respond harshly in a defensive manner. We’ve all seen the flaming that can ensue. While it’s not easy – a graceful approach to comments where you admit where you are wrong and others is right can bring out the lurkers and make them feel a little safer in leaving comments.
8. Be controversial? - I put a question mark after this one because it doesn’t always work (and I personally avoid it as much as I can these days) – but there’s nothing like controversy to get people commenting on your blog. Of course with controversy comes other consequences – one of which is the risk of putting off less vocal members of your readership.
9. ‘Reward’ Comments – There are many ways of acknowledging and ‘rewarding’ good comments that range from simply including a ‘good comment’ remark through to highlighting them in other posts that you write. Drawing attention to your readers who use comments well affirms them but also draws attention of other readers to good use of your comments section.
10. Make it Easy to Comment - I leave a lot of comments on a lot of blogs each week – but there is one situation where I rarely leave a comment – even if the post deserves it – blogs that require me to login before making a comment. Maybe I’m lazy (actually there’s no maybe about it) or maybe there’s something inside me that worries about giving out my personal details – but when I see a comments section that requires registration I almost always (95% or more of the time) leave the blog without leaving the comment that I want to make. While I totally understand the temptation to require registration for comments (combatting spam in most cases) something inside me resists participating in such comments sections. Registration is a hurdle you put in front of your readers that some will be willing to leap but that others will balk at (the same is often said about other comments section requirements that go beyond the basics). Keep your comments section as simple and as easy to use as possible.
Tingin mo??
Cure for insomnia
Dinuguan 'ala' Goldilocks??

Imeem gone. Lala gone., waste of time. Good thing I discovered played on Scrobbling. Nice. Daming kanta. Just organize ko na lang. Dami ko peborit dito parang Imeem. Pero di kasing dami ng users kagaya ng Imeem. Puro kasi demanda inabot nila. Sounds muna ako. -Beautiful South. Balitaan ko kayo next time. Here's the link: Enjoy!
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Headache Relief

Discovered something from Youtube. Its a healing sound if you have a headache. It's a weird sound, so put on your headset. It's called Healing with sounds. Works for me. Nakakapraning yung tunog pero bigla na lang mawawala yung sakit ng ulo mo. Ewan ko kung pano nanyari to. Sinubukan ko to ilang bases na. Di lang umuubra pag hangover na. Try mo. Here's the link:
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
How to Save on Electricity Bill

Piggy Bank

How to turn your piggy bank into real pigs (or hogs). No magic Abrakadabra here. Just put your loose coins - P5. or P10. into the piggybank slot. Everyday. If there's any loose change. Keep it a habit until you fill up to the back of it. Do it without forcing yourself so you don't need to be tempted to get your savings. Intiendez?? Last time I opened my piggy bank, I bought 4 sows for P1,500. each. Feeding them is another story. Oink! Oink!
25 Top Reasons Why Business Fails

I got this one from Internet Based Moms.
2. Failure to plan.
3. Lack of funding.
4. Procrastination
5. Excuses. Especially making an excuse for any and everything that causes you to stumble.
6. Doing busy work. Keeping busy doing unimportant tasks.
7. Inability to delegate tasks. Sometimes delegation saves your business. If you have a weakness, hire someone who could turn that weakness into a strength. Use others to complete simple time consuming tasks so that you can do other things.
8. Failure to Research.
9. Failure to Market.
10. An inconsistent advertising campaign. It is better to have a ton of small ads on a regular basis than one large ad on a monthly or yearly basis.
11. Your pricing is too low, thus resulting in a negative cash flow.
12. Bad accounting practices.
13. Choosing quantity over quality. Cutting corners is bad business sense.
14. Dishonesty.
15. Not fixing mistakes.
16. Not completing tasks in a timely manner.
17. Inability to follow-up. You should always follow-up by email, snail mail, or phone.
18. Not listening to client or customer. Talking too much.
19. Spending too little. It takes money to make money.
20. Spending too much. Purchasing items when you don’t need them, upgrading when the older version will do, letting suppliers talk you into things you cannot afford, and not budgeting.
21. Being unprepared for fluctuations in business. Boom times when demands are high as well as slow times when you are struggling to get by. (Put money away during boom times to prepare for slow times.)
22. Lack of diversification. If you only offer one product or service, losing it can destroy your business.
23. Reputation. While a good reputation will gain you tons of business, a bad reputation could close your business.
24. Cockiness. There is nothing wrong with feeling great about your products, services, or accomplishments. Just don’t let pride and arrogance destroy your customer relations.
25. Discouragement. Giving in to your feelings of discouragement, when things do not work out the way you planned or succeed as fast as you thought. Also allowing others to feed on any discouragement you may already feel.
biotext: * This has been an excerpt from Work At Home or Stay At Home