Oooooh yeah! My camera is back. After my camera was dropped by my son. The E18 error suddenly appears on the screen. After searching for forums/blogs how to fix this. Tried all the stunts, tricks and tips. Still it doesn't work. According to Wikipedia E18 is the most notorious in the Canon user community. See link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E18_error Most of Canon users of any digital model have the same problem. They say its either dropped, some dirt goes thru its lens or its a factory defect. I went to Canon service Center, they say I need to pay P8,000.00 so they can replace its lens. Duh! I only paid P4,000.00 for that camera after winning the bid thru a Chinese chick. It's like brand new when I got it. Complete accessories. As me and my brother looked for an instant fix in the internet we found this funny clip from Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ff_J9tn5tZU Hahaha.
After that we tried to disasmble the camera.
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