Monday, October 10, 2011

Liver Cleansing

One of the main functions of the liver is to remove and breakdown toxins from the blood. It also metabolizes ingested drugs, including pharmaceutical drugs and alcohol.
This imposes a large burden on the liver day to day - liver cleansing is an effective way to give your liver a break and allow it to work more effectively. In other words, your liver is your filter and it functions best when cleaned out once in a while.
Cleansing the liver of gall stones also dramatically aids digestion, which in turn improves general health.

How Does Liver Cleansing Work?
To remove gall stones from the liver is a process of several stages. Stage one involves drinking lots of apple juice. The pectin in the juice helps to soften and flatten the stones in the gall bladder and liver. This helps their eventual passage through the bile ducts.
The most important part of a liver cleanse is drinking olive oil and fruit juice, late at night before sleeping. The act of lying down in bed allows the oil to go into your liver and gall bladder. This temporarily overloads the organs, causes a reaction in which the stones are expelled.

Of course, the expulsion of these stones has the potential to be a very painful process. So the addition of Epsom salts opens the bile ducts nice and wide, so the stones (already flattened by the apple juice) to pass through freely.
The grapefruit and lemon juice are used to produce more bile in the liver, trapping fat molecules and allowing them to be easily secreted. It also helps to decrease your appetite.

Liver Cleansing Techniques

Cleansing the liver of gall stones dramatically aids digestion, which in turn improves general health. Here are the 3 stages in a successful liver cleanse:
Stage 1: Prepare for the cleanse by drinking fresh apple juice for 3 days. Meals should be small amounts of raw salad or unprocessed fruit.
Stage 2: Buy the liver cleanse ingredients:
Epsom Salts, 4 tablespoons mixed in 4 cups of water
Olive Oil
Fresh Grapefruit juice and Lemon juice
Stage 3: Do the cleanse. Choose a Saturday if possible! Here is the routine you should follow -

(i) Eat a very light breakfast and lunch of fruit and vegetables.

(ii) At 6pm, drink 1 cup of the Epsom Salt water. Repeat at 8pm.

(iii) At 10pm, mix the fruit juices and one cup of olive oil. Drink it, go to bed and get a good sleep while the cleanse does its work!

(iv) At 7am, drink 1 cup of the Epsom Salt water. Repeat at 9am and finish the mixture.

(v) Eat only light fruits and vegetables for the rest of the day. Your liver should be cleansed of gall stones and by the evening you should feel great!
Foods to Eat
Unrefined Complex Carbohydrates
Important as they provide vitamins, trace minerals, fiber, and protein. These include brown rice, oatmeal, and wholemeal, barley, and rye products.
Fruits contain important antioxidants and necessary dietary fiber. Apples, pears and oranges are particularly high in pectin which is a great intestinal tract cleanser. Watermelon is also great - it contains important vitamins and minerals such as lycopene, beta carotene, zinc, and selenium.
All veggies contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for a healthy body and liver. Legumes, cabbage, garlic and onions contain high amounts of sulfur - this is great for the liver by locking on to metallic toxins and excretes them.
Nuts and Seeds
Raw organic nuts provide good fats to the body as well as vitamin E, potassium, and folic acid. Flaxseed oil is extremely high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, which are powerful antioxidants and also have anti-inflammatory properties.

Foods to avoid
All meat, fish, and dairy products
Fried foods
Soft drinks
Coffee and tea
Sugar or sugar substitutes
White flour products
White rice

Drinks to help your liver
Fresh veggie and fruit juice, lemon water, dandelion tea, rice and almond milk.

Liver Supplements
Milk Thistle
This herb cleanses and protects the liver from toxic substances such as alcohol, drugs, heavy metals, pollution and pesticides.

Dandelion Root
This herb increases bile production in the liver, helping digestion.

Liver Detox Drink Recipe
This a delicious easy drink to make. Add all ingredients into the blender and voila!

A handful of spinach
1 apple
1 banana
1 lemon (squeezed)
Half a chili pepper (optional)
1 garlic clove or as much as desired (optional)
1 glass of water


A juice fast is great way to nurture your body, rebuild your immune system and restore yourself to a healthy way of living.
Raw fruit and vegetable juice contains many cleansing elements such as minerals, vitamins, enzymes and antioxidants to heal and detoxify the body safely.
Little energy is used by your digestive system during the cleanse, allowing the body to focus on rebuilding, renewing and healing. You might be surprised by how much energy you have after the first few days!

Is Juice Cleansing for Everyone?

Since juicing fulfills most of the body's nutrient requirements, your energy levels should remain high enough on this cleanse to continue working.
Ideally a juice fast should be done on a break in countryside or at the beach Getting in touch with nature while cleansing is the ultimate purifying and revitalizing experience. Its certainly possible to fit a juice cleanse around your everyday life too though.
If you can manage it, 3-10 days on this cleanse is enough to detox and heal the body. If you to plan to do longer, it is advisable to get professional supervision.

Juice Cleansing Instructions

You must only use freshly squeezed fruit, veggies and herbs. Try experimenting with combinations of beets, celery, carrots, apples, cucumber, garlic, ginger, cilantro, wheatgrass and cayenne pepper. All are excellent for cleansing. See our recipes page for some ideas.
It’s actually best to use a variety of different ingredients and vary your juices as much as possible - they all contain different important cleansing properties.
If you are juicing at home, you can add the also pulp from the juiced vegetable to make a broth. Just add water to a pot with the pulp and simmer for 15-20 minutes, then season the broth with cayenne pepper.
If you don’t have a juicer, you can buy the juice in your local health supermarket or juice bar.
Stages in a Juice Cleanse
A few days before the cleanse, try to change your diet to as many raw vegetables and fruits as possible. When you restrict your diet to juice only, it will be less of an adjustment.
When you are on the cleanse, drink 32-64 ounces of fresh squeezed juice per day plus 8 glasses of water to flush out toxins from your body. If you feel you need more juice that is ok. If you would like less, you can dilute the juice with water. A few things you must avoid - all other beverages (e.g. sodas, coffee or tea) and obviously no solid foods whatsoever!
Since you won't be consuming any fiber during your juice cleanse, it is important to take something that will stimulate your colon and prevent the toxins from being reabsorbed back into the body. A night time laxative tea is effective to get things moving. Psyllium husk and Bentonite clay are also excellent for drawing out toxins from the body.
Easing off a juice flush is important. It is best to start with raw salads and fruit for a few days, plus maybe some lightly steamed vegetables with brown rice. Don't go straight back on to the junk food!


Here are a couple of ideas to get you started. See more on our juice recipe ideas page.


3 celery stalks
2 tomatoes
1 lemon, peeled
2 carrots


1 Cucumber with skin
1/2 bunch Fresh Parsley
1 4-oz. tub Alfalfa Sprouts
4 Sprigs Fresh Mint


2 bunches Grapes
6 Oranges
8 Lemons peeled
1/4 cup Honey


Made famous by Beyonce, Angelina Jolie and Gwyneth Paltrow, the Master Cleanse is one of the hottest cleanses in Hollywood. Beyonce even used it to slim down for her movie 'Dreamgirls'.
This cleanse is so popular not just because of its powerful detoxing properties, but also because its a great way to lose a few pounds and get in shape.
It is not an easy cleanse though - the Master Cleanse is a fast regimen, with nutrition provided by a combination of lemon, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. Its hard work but the results are worth it!

How does the Master Cleanse work?
The Master Cleanse's strange set of ingredients may leave you wondering 'why am I eating this?'. Well there is some very sound reasoning behind it. Let me run through each ingredient and tell you the specific benefits that it can give you.

Maple Syrup
Although you may normally just pour it on your waffles, Grade B maple syrup contains a variety of minerals and vitamins. These include iron, chlorine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, copper, phosphorus, sulfur and silicon not to mention Vitamins A, B1, B2, B6 and C. Also present is Pantothenic acid, a type of B-Vitamin that can lower cholesterol.
As you can see, adding good quality maple syrup to your cleanse actually provides you with many of the vitamins and minerals that you need during a short-term cleanse.

Lemon Juice
Lemon juice is used to produce more bile in the liver, trapping fat molecules and allowing them to be easily secreted. It also helps to decrease your appetite.
Cayenne Pepper
Cayenne pepper increases metabolism and aids digestion. It is also a good source of Vitamins A, B, C, Calcium and Potassium.

Purified Water
The benefits of water need little explanation. It speeds your metabolism, cleans your internal organs and even helps you live longer!

How to do the Master Cleanse?
Otherwise known as the Lemonade Diet or the Maple Syrup Diet, this cleanse involves a fast of 10-14 days, with nutrition provided by a drink of Maple Syrup, Lemon Juice and Cayenne Pepper. Each day on the cleanse should follow the same routine:

Each morning you should do a salt water flush. This is a simple way to do a colon cleanse, by drinking lukewarm water with non-iodized sea salt, that is excellent in conjunction with the Master Cleanse.

The salt detoxifies the entire digestive system and flushes out any impurities and toxins so they won't be reabsorbed back into the body. It isn't the most pleasant experience but the results are worth it so be strong!

Recipe - one serving
32 Oz of lukewarm water
2 teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt (iodized salt will not work)
Drink when you get up and on an empty stomach, otherwise the salt will be competing with undigested food. Around 1 hour later eliminations should commence. It's best to set aside 2 hours before you go out, to prevent any accidents

Drink the Master Cleanse juice several times a day, whenever thirsty or hungry. You can also drink pure water by itself, but no other foods. You can either make the drinks whenever you need them, or make a jug in the morning to last all day. Here are the recipes:

Recipe - one serving
2 tablespoons organic Lemon Juice
2 tablespoons organic Grade B Maple Syrup (not the commercial maple flavored syrup you use on pancakes)
2 pinches Cayenne Pepper
10oz Purified Water

Recipe - whole day
12 tablespoons organic Lemon Juice
12 tablespoons organic Grade B Maple Syrup (not the commercial maple flavored syrup you use on pancakes)
1/2 teaspoon Cayenne Pepper
60oz Purified Water

The last step each day is to take a herbal laxative tea. One made with Senna will do the trick, and you can buy this from most health food stores. Since there is no fiber in the cleanse, the Senna is needed to stimulate muscle contraction of the colon.
Without the laxative tea, the toxins and waste products forced out by the Master Cleanse will stay in your body, so make sure you drink it each evening before you go to sleep.


This hearty and filling soup is all goodness, and it tastes great too!
Servings: 2

1/2 Avocado
6 -8 Decent size Broccoli Heads
1/3 Red Onion
1 Celery Stick
Big Handful of Spinach
An Inch of Root Ginger

Lightly steam the broccoli, for 5-6 minutes. Place it and all the other ingredients in a blender. Add garlic, salt and pepper to taste.


Did you think that cleansing food needs to be bland and tasteless? Well here's the proof that its not!
Servings: 2

6 four-ounce pieces of red snapper
juice of one lemon
1 teaspoon peppercorns
1 bay leaf
3 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
2 teaspoons garlic, chopped
2 pounds of kale
2 red peppers
1 cup basil

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Place the snapper pieces in a shallow baking tray, covered with water, and add the lemon juice, peppercorns and bay leaf. Place in the oven for 30 minutes.
While the fish is cooking, sauté the kale with olive oil and garlic. Place the kale on plates - this is the base of the dish. Now broil the peppers until blackened. Remove the skin and seeds, dice, and sauté the pieces with olive oil and basil. Allow to cool and puree.
To complete the dish, divide the Kale between 6 plates. Place the fish on top, and drizzle the coulis!


Many people believe that foods rich in the alkaline minerals sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium help to neutralize toxic acids that can harm the body. This soup is overloaded with all those ingredients and should help you feel great!

2 cup carrot tops
2 cups celery tops
2 cups beet tops
2 quarts distilled water
3 cups celery stalk
3 cups water
2 cups red skinned potato peeling 1/2 inch thick
1 small zucchini

Chops all the vegetables into small pieces. Place them in a pot and bring to the boil. Reduce heat and simmer, with the lid on, for 30 minutes.


This simple soup will revitalize your system as part of a Detox diet.
Servings: 2

1 pound of spinach
1/2 cup diced onion
1/2 cup diced carrots
1/2 cup diced celery
1/2 cup diced leek
3 cups water
1/2 teaspoon Thyme
1 tablespoon olive oil
1/2 teaspoon chopped garlic

Sauté the onions, carrots, celery, leek in a pot with the oil and garlic.
Add the water and Thyme, simmer for one hour then leave to cool for one hour.
Puree in a blender, then put back in the pot on medium heat.
Add the spinach, cook until it wilts, and serve hot!


There are many surprising ways in which cleansing can make you more beautiful. Some you may have heard of, for example weight loss and improved complexion. But there are several other benefits that you may not have considered. Read on to find out what a good cleanse can do for you!

Your hair and nails need a steady supply of nutrients to grow and remain strong. But if your bloodstream contains toxins, they can make your hair dull and nails soft.
Doing a cleanse makes sure that they get only the right nutrients, and will do them far more good than a host of expensive cosmetic products!

If you suffer from body odor, it is actually possible to tell which cleanse you need, just by the particular smell of that odor. For example, an oily smell means liver problems, while a rotten odor suggests issues with your kidney. Doing the right cleanse will restore the organ to health and get rid of that odor!

If you have bad breath, the first thing to check is your oral hygiene. However, some people also suffer from bad breath related to a toxic colon.

Cellulite affects more than 90% of adult women. There are several causes, but one of the most important is the level of toxins in your system.
The first place that your body stores dietary toxins is in the cells just under your skin. Poisoning these cells with junk food and soda can disrupt this layer of cells, causing the cellulite. Cleansing can reverse this process.

A happy side effect of cleansing, and the healthy low fat diet that precedes and follows a cleanse, is usually weight loss. Juices and raw vegetables are healthy foods and great for your diet, so remember when your cleansing that a healthy system is only one of the great results that you can expect!

Have you ever had to put your skinny jeans back in the closet because you feel bloated? Cleansing can help! A healthy, functioning gastro-intestinal system reduces bloating and flattens your stomach, before you even start losing weight.

Princess Diana was one of the first public advocates of Colonics - she used them three times a week to get her glowing complexion. If you're feeling washed out, tired and looking haggard, chances are that a revitalizing cleanse will restore your skin to health.

Your eyes are a map of your body - problems elsewhere are reflected by redness and dark rings around the pupil. A good cleanse will restore your internal systems to health, replace any grayness or redness in your eyes with a sparkling white, and perhaps even lighten up the color of your iris!

Why do a colon cleanse?

The body has it's own natural ways of detoxing itself - however in this day and age, no matter how careful we are, accumulating harmful substances is unavoidable. Research suggests a detox diet can accelerate the rate of removal of these toxins.

This toxic load could possibly be leading to illness, hormonal dysfunction, and contributing to a low metabolism.

An unhealthy colon is a notoriously difficult problem to diagnose, but the following symptoms have all been associated with toxic build-up and constipation:
Fatigue, Depression, Anxiety, Gas, Acne, Poor Circulation, Back Pain, High Blood Pressure, Low Libido, Obesity, Poor Concentration, Swollen Legs
Other problems such as kidney stones and gallstones can also be helped by cleanses.
Cleansing is one of the healthiest things you can do for your body. Regular cleansers report any or all of the following benefits:
More Energy, Improved Mood, Better Digestive System, Clearer Complexion, Better Circulation, Higher Libido, Weight Loss, Improved Concentration, Eliminate Dark Circles under Eyes

What Causes the Toxic Build-up?
We put our colons under a great deal of stress with our modern lifestyle. Years of fast food, cigarettes, prescription drugs and alcohol keep the colon busy. Add to that indigestion, constipation, work-related stress, illnesses and sedentary lifestyles, and you have a recipe for an unhealthy colon.

The colon is the waste pipe of the body. Once the nutrients are taken out and processed, the waste from your food intake is passed through the colon and expelled from your body. What many people don't realize is that this fecal matter can get backed up and solidified in your colon, and without a regular cleansing program can get trapped there for years or decades, slowly releasing toxins into your system.
The waste matter hardens, fixing itself to the wall of the colon. Sometimes an unhealthy colon will have attached to it up to 20 pounds of this matter that just won't go away! Ever wondered why you sometimes feel heavy and bloated?
This waste material can seep through the walls of the colon, releasing toxins into your bloodstream. They can spread through your body, affecting every part of it. Hence the long and varied list of symptoms above

Cleansing and Weight Loss
One of the most popular reasons for doing a cleanse is weight loss. Its true that some colons contain up to 20 pounds of compacted fecal matter. After a cleanse you will feel lighter, fitter and skinnier, even if your body's total fat does not immediately drop.
However, if you combine a Colonic Irrigation with a change in your diet, introducing some freshly squeezed juices and Psyllium husks to aid the cleanse, then you will see sustained weight loss. Your newly invigorated body will be more able to metabolize food, and you will also find you have more energy to work that excess weight off!


Colonic irrigation is not just a new age fad - it was even more popular during Egyptian times! This is a gentle method of cleansing the colon of toxins and accumulated waste matter.
Regular colonics help to keep your digestive system, kidneys, and liver functioning properly to cleanse your system regularly on its own.
Colon cleansing can boost your energy levels, improve your complexion and even eliminate skin conditions like dermatitis, psoriasis, acne and eczema.

The Process

Otherwise known as Colon Hydrotherapy, colonics are the most direct route to a clean colon. A typical procedure lasts 45 minutes.
During a session, the patient lies down and is first given a gentle but firm massage in the lower stomach area. This is to loosen the materials that the colonic will hopefully expunge.

A small, sterile and disposable plastic tube is then inserted into the rectum and warm water is passed into the colon. Clients typically report a warm feeling but often have little sensation of the colonic, although it can feel slightly uncomfortable the first time.
The water is allowed to gently flow into your colon, then you push it out along with the fecal matter that it has loosened. This cycle repeats several times.
Other liquids, like coffee, are then typically added to the water. These flow into the colon and help to stimulate the liver to increase bile production and remove toxins from the body.
Its not just waste matter that is removed though - some good bacteria is flushed out along with the bad. However in this newly clean environment, good bacteria can multiply and flourish. Your therapist will often give you a probiotic after the treatment to repopulate your intestine.
Although requirements need to be determined on an individual basis, a series of 10-15 treatments should be adequate to restore optimum health to your colon. After that, one treatment a month should be enough to maintain it.

Colonics and Weight Loss?

Colonics don't really cause weight loss in the conventional sense - they won't help you burn any fat like a good diet or a trip to the gym. What they can do, however, is remove some of the old fecal matter that is weighing you down.
The average person has 10 pounds or more of dormant hardened fecal weight in the colon. This is comprised of mucoid plaque and other toxic matter. After a series of colonics, most people report feeling lighter, healthier and less bloated.
You can combine colonics with a fast or cleanse if you want to really boost your weight loss. Courtney love reportedly loss 40 pounds on a regime of colonics and fasting.

How does colon cleansing Work?

Colon Cleansing uses a combination of herbs natural supplements and lots of liquids, and perhaps some colonic irrigation, to help your body mend its internal organs and restore you to health.

Colonic irrigation (otherwise known as colonics) is an optional part of a colon cleanse, but any serious cleanser will tell you that it greatly increases the effectiveness of the cleanse.

The most important dietary part of a colon cleanse is the Psyllium. When taken with water, Psyllium expands in the bowels, forming a bulky, jelly-like substance. Its rough texture helps it to scrape along the sides of the colon, completely painlessly, and remove the excess waste matter and toxins from your digestive system.

A laxative is often used with Psyllium to aid in the movement of fecal matter from the bowel. However, when Psyllium is in its liquid form many people find it sufficient.

The first stage in a colon cleanse, and before you even think about Psyllium or Bentonite, is to change your diet - eating fresh organically grown vegetables is a great start and will stop any more toxins from entering your system.

Colon Cleansing Techniques

Think about what you eat - fast food is overloaded with additives, beef has added growth hormone, even fish are full of the various chemicals that are pumped into the oceans. So the first stage in your cleanse is to cut out these unnecessary toxins. Don't drink any coffee, alcohol or sodas. As for food, eat small amounts of vegetables and fruit, preferably with high water content.

The second stage involves adding a cleansing supplement to your diet. The two most common are Bentonite and Psyllium, which work best in combination. The Bentonite absorbs the toxins, while the Psyllium pushes them through and out of your system.


Add one or two tablespoons to a glass of water and take with your meal, once or twice daily. Psyllium is a natural fiber that helps the digestive system to work more quickly and effectively. All that old waste matter that is clogging your colon will be pushed right through.


The indigenous cultures have been using Bentonite clay's healing and detox properties since before recorded history. It has been scientifically proven to absorb toxic substances inside the intestine. The recommended dosage is to mix one teaspoon with eight ounces of water. You can also pour 2-3 ounces into your bath water to absorb toxins from the outside.

To get the most from your colon cleanse, combine it with a course of colonic irrigation. This will get you the best results - those who have been doing colonics for years swear by its effect on your complexion, vitality and overall wellbeing.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Emergency KIt

Bottled water. Bring enough clean drinking water to last you and your family for at least 3 days. People can survive without food, but not without water.

Food. Don't stock up on salty food items as these will require you to drink more water. Look for food that can be eaten with minimal preparation or without having to cook them. (For more tips on preparing storm-ready food, click here.)

First aid kit. This should contain the following, at the very least: Band-Aids, alcohol, antibiotics, antacids, anti-allergy meds, mosquito repellent, sunscreen, and other prescription drugs that you may need.

A Swiss Army knife. This is a handy tool for anyone who's not in the comfort of his/her home. With this, you don't have to bring a separate knife, can opener, bottle opener, screwdriver, and a pair of scissors.

Clothes. Getting wet in the rain will require you to change your clothes or else you'll get sick. Make it a point to bring thermal wear, including socks, to keep you warm during the storm.

Flashlight and batteries. This will help you get around during the night, especially since the power's out. Try bringing candles and waterproof matches too, just in case you run out of batteries.

Toiletries. This is particularly important for women and children. Aside from the usual soap, toothpaste and tissue paper, bring a lot of sanitary napkins and diapers.

Large garbage bags. This is where you can place all of your items. Bring extra ones for trash and for emergency situations.

Umbrella. If you're stuck in your rooftop or any open ground, this will shield you from the rain.

Fully-charged mobile phone. It's a very useful tool in asking for help from the media and the authorities, although network problems are expected during typhoons.

Whistle. This is effective in calling attention to yourself, making it easier for rescuers to find you. If you don't have one, just bring anything that can create a lot of noise.

Battery-powered radio. Listening to the news will give you updates about the rescue operations, and will help you find safe ground. Make sure that you bring a lot of batteries, though.

Cash. You'll never know when you'll get access to a commercial establishment, so it's best to keep a few bucks with you.


Keep these contact numbers in case of typhoon emergencies:

1. Philippine Coast Guard: 527-8481 local 6290 and 6292; 328-1098

2. Philippine National Red Cross: 527-0000

3. National Disaster Coordinating Council: 734-2120; 911-5061; 912-5668. For contact numbers of NDCC directors, click here.

4. Manila Electric Co. (Meralco): 16210

5. Metropolitan Manila Development Authority (MMDA): 136 (hotline); 0920-947-2503 (towing concerns); 0920-947-1632 or 0917-561-8709 (duty officer)























Friday, September 23, 2011

Income Generating Site Reviews

ODP and Yahoo

ODP and Yahoo!
It used to be thought that Google gave a Pagerank boost to sites that are listed in the Yahoo! and ODP (a.k.a. DMOZ) directories, but these days general opinion is that they don't. There is certainly a PageRank gain for sites that are listed in those directories, but the reason for it is now thought to be this:-

Google spiders the directories just like any other site and their pages have decent PageRank and so they are good inbound links to have. In the case of the ODP, Google's directory is a copy of the ODP directory. Each time that sites are added and dropped from the ODP, they are added and dropped from Google's directory when they next update it. The entry in Google's directory is yet another good, PageRank boosting, inbound link. Also, the ODP data is used for searches on a myriad of websites - more inbound links!

Listings in the ODP are free but, because sites are reviewed by hand, it can take quite a long time to get in. The sooner a working site is submitted, the better.

Sub Directories

Some people believe that Google drops a page's PageRank by a value of 1 for each sub-directory level below the root directory. E.g. if the value of pages in the root directory is generally around 4, then pages in the next directory level down will be generally around 3, and so on down the levels. Other people (including me) don't accept that at all. Either way, because some spiders tend to avoid deep sub-directories, it is generally considered to be beneficial to keep directory structures shallow (directories one or two levels below the root).

The Google Toolbar

The Google toolbar

If you have the Google toolbar installed in your browser, you will be used to seeing each page's PageRank as you browse the web. But all isn't always as it seems. Many pages that Google displays the PageRank for haven't been indexed in Google and certainly don't have any PageRank in their own right. What is happening is that one or more pages on the site have been indexed and a PageRank has been calculated. The PageRank figure for the site's pages that haven't been indexed is allocated on the fly - just for your toolbar. The PageRank itself doesn't exist.

It's important to know this so that you can avoid exchanging links with pages that really don't have any PageRank of their own. Before making exchanges, search for the page on Google to make sure that it is indexed.

Adding New Pages

Adding new pages

There is a possible negative effect of adding new pages. Take a perfectly normal site. It has some inbound links from other sites and its pages have some PageRank. Then a new page is added to the site and is linked to from one or more of the existing pages. The new page will, of course, aquire PageRank from the site's existing pages. The effect is that, whilst the total PageRank in the site is increased, one or more of the existing pages will suffer a PageRank loss due to the new page making gains. Up to a point, the more new pages that are added, the greater is the loss to the existing pages. With large sites, this effect is unlikely to be noticed but, with smaller ones, it probably would.

So, although adding new pages does increase the total PageRank within the site, some of the site's pages will lose PageRank as a result. The answer is to link new pages is such a way within the site that the important pages don't suffer, or add sufficient new pages to make up for the effect (that can sometimes mean adding a large number of new pages), or better still, get some more inbound links.

Domains and Filename Tips

Domain names and Filenames
To a spider,,, and are different urls and, therefore, different pages. Surfers arrive at the site's home page whichever of the urls are used, but spiders see them as individual urls, and it makes a difference when working out the PageRank. It is better to standardize the url you use for the site's home page. Otherwise each url can end up with a different PageRank, whereas all of it should have gone to just one url.

If you think about it, how can a spider know the filename of the page that it gets back when requesting ? It can't. The filename could be index.html, index.htm, index.php, default.html, etc. The spider doesn't know. If you link to index.html within the site, the spider could compare the 2 pages but that seems unlikely. So they are 2 urls and each receives PageRank from inbound links. Standardizing the home page's url ensures that the Pagerank it is due isn't shared with ghost urls.

Example: Go to my UK Holidays and UK Holiday Accommodation site - how's that for a nice piece of link text ;). Notice that the url in the browser's address bar contains "www.". If you have the Google Toolbar installed, you will see that the page has PR5. Now remove the "www." part of the url and get the page again. This time it has PR1, and yet they are the same page. Actually, the PageRank is for the unseen frameset page.

When this article was first written, the non-www URL had PR4 due to using different versions of the link URLs within the site. It had the effect of sharing the page's PageRank between the 2 pages (the 2 versions) and, therefore, between the 2 sites. That's not the best way to do it. Since then, I've tidied up the internal linkages and got the non-www version down to PR1 so that the PageRank within the site mostly stays in the "www." version, but there must be a site somewhere that links to it without the "www." that's causing the PR1.

Imagine the page, The index page contains links to several relative urls; e.g. products.html and details.html. The spider sees those urls as and Now let's add an absolute url for another page, only this time we'll leave out the "www." part - This page links back to the index.html page, so the spider sees the index pages as Although it's the same index page as the first one, to a spider, it is a different page because it's on a different domain. Now look what happens. Each of the relative urls on the index page is also different because it belongs to the domain. Consequently, the link stucture is wasting a site's potential PageRank by spreading it between ghost pages.

PageRank to Toolbar

How much additional PageRank do we need to move up the toolbar?

First, let me explain in more detail why the values shown in the Google toolbar are not the actual PageRank figures. According to the equation, and to the creators of Google, the billions of pages on the web average out to a PageRank of 1.0 per page. So the total PageRank on the web is equal to the number of pages on the web * 1, which equals a lot of PageRank spread around the web.
The Google toolbar range is from 1 to 10. (They sometimes show 0, but that figure isn't believed to be a PageRank calculation result). What Google does is divide the full range of actual PageRanks on the web into 10 parts - each part is represented by a value as shown in the toolbar. So the toolbar values only show what part of the overall range a page's PageRank is in, and not the actual PageRank itself. The numbers in the toolbar are just labels.

Whether or not the overall range is divided into 10 equal parts is a matter for debate - Google aren't saying. But because it is much harder to move up a toolbar point at the higher end than it is at the lower end, many people (including me) believe that the divisions are based on a logarithmic scale, or something very similar, rather than the equal divisions of a linear scale.

Let's assume that it is a logarithmic, base 10 scale, and that it takes 10 properly linked new pages to move a site's important page up 1 toolbar point. It will take 100 new pages to move it up another point, 1000 new pages to move it up one more, 10,000 to the next, and so on. That's why moving up at the lower end is much easier that at the higher end.

In reality, the base is unlikely to be 10. Some people think it is around the 5 or 6 mark, and maybe even less. Even so, it still gets progressively harder to move up a toolbar point at the higher end of the scale.

Note that as the number of pages on the web increases, so does the total PageRank on the web, and as the total PageRank increases, the positions of the divisions in the overall scale must change. As a result, some pages drop a toolbar point for no 'apparent' reason. If the page's actual PageRank was only just above a division in the scale, the addition of new pages to the web would cause the division to move up slightly and the page would end up just below the division. Google's index is always increasing and they re-evaluate each of the pages on more or less a monthly basis. It's known as the "Google dance". When the dance is over, some pages will have dropped a toolbar point. A number of new pages might be all that is needed to get the point back after the next dance.

The toolbar value is a good indicator of a page's PageRank but it only indicates that a page is in a certain range of the overall scale. One PR5 page could be just above the PR5 division and another PR5 page could be just below the PR6 division - almost a whole division (toolbar point) between them.

Outbound Links

Outbound links

Outbound links are a drain on a site's total PageRank. They leak PageRank. To counter the drain, try to ensure that the links are reciprocated. Because of the PageRank of the pages at each end of an external link, and the number of links out from those pages, reciprocal links can gain or lose PageRank. You need to take care when choosing where to exchange links.

When PageRank leaks from a site via a link to another site, all the pages in the internal link structure are affected. (This doesn't always show after just 1 iteration). The page that you link out from makes a difference to which pages suffer the most loss. Without a program to perform the calculations on specific link structures, it is difficult to decide on the right page to link out from, but the generalization is to link from the one with the lowest PageRank.

Many websites need to contain some outbound links that are nothing to do with PageRank. Unfortunately, all 'normal' outbound links leak PageRank. But there are 'abnormal' ways of linking to other sites that don't result in leaks. PageRank is leaked when Google recognizes a link to another site. The answer is to use links that Google doesn't recognize or count. These include form actions and links contained in javascript code.

Form actions
A form's 'action' attribute does not need to be the url of a form parsing script. It can point to any html page on any site. Try it.


To be really sneaky, the action attribute could be in some javascript code rather than in the form tag, and the javascript code could be loaded from a 'js' file stored in a directory that is barred to Google's spider by the robots.txt file.

Example: Click here

Like the form action, it is sneaky to load the javascript code, which contains the urls, from a seperate 'js' file, and sneakier still if the file is stored in a directory that is barred to googlebot by the robots.txt file.

The "rel" attribute
As of 18th January 2005, Google, together with other search engines, is recognising a new attribute to the anchor tag. The attribute is "rel", and it is used as follows:-

The attribute tells Google to ignore the link completely. The link won't help the target page's PageRank, and it won't help its rankings. It is as though the link doesn't exist. With this attribute, there is no longer any need for javascript, forms, or any other method of hiding links from Google.

Inbound Links

Inbound links

Inbound links (links into the site from the outside) are one way to increase a site's total PageRank. The other is to add more pages. Where the links come from doesn't matter. Google recognizes that a webmaster has no control over other sites linking into a site, and so sites are not penalized because of where the links come from. There is an exception to this rule but it is rare and doesn't concern this article. It isn't something that a webmaster can accidentally do.

The linking page's PageRank is important, but so is the number of links going from that page. For instance, if you are the only link from a page that has a lowly PR2, you will receive an injection of 0.15 + 0.85(2/1) = 1.85 into your site, whereas a link from a PR8 page that has another 99 links from it will increase your site's PageRank by 0.15 + 0.85(7/100) = 0.2095. Clearly, the PR2 link is much better - or is it? See here for a probable reason why this is not the case.

Once the PageRank is injected into your site, the calculations are done again and each page's PageRank is changed. Depending on the internal link structure, some pages' PageRank is increased, some are unchanged but no pages lose any PageRank.

It is beneficial to have the inbound links coming to the pages to which you are channeling your PageRank. A PageRank injection to any other page will be spread around the site through the internal links. The important pages will receive an increase, but not as much of an increase as when they are linked to directly. The page that receives the inbound link, makes the biggest gain.

It is easy to think of our site as being a small, self-contained network of pages. When we do the PageRank calculations we are dealing with our small network. If we make a link to another site, we lose some of our network's PageRank, and if we receive a link, our network's PageRank is added to. But it isn't like that. For the PageRank calculations, there is only one network - every page that Google has in its index. Each iteration of the calculation is done on the entire network and not on individual websites.

Because the entire network is interlinked, and every link and every page plays its part in each iteration of the calculations, it is impossible for us to calculate the effect of inbound links to our site with any realistic accuracy.

Dangling Links

Dangling links

"Dangling links are simply links that point to any page with no outgoing links. They affect the model because it is not clear where their weight should be distributed, and there are a large number of them. Often these dangling links are simply pages that we have not downloaded yet..........Because dangling links do not affect the ranking of any other page directly, we simply remove them from the system until all the PageRanks are calculated. After all the PageRanks are calculated they can be added back in without affecting things significantly." - extract from the original PageRank paper by Google’s founders, Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page.
A dangling link is a link to a page that has no links going from it, or a link to a page that Google hasn't indexed. In both cases Google removes the links shortly after the start of the calculations and reinstates them shortly before the calculations are finished. In this way, their effect on the PageRank of other pages in minimal.

The results shown in Example 1 (right diag.) are wrong because page B has no links going from it, and so the link from page A to page B is dangling and would be removed from the calculations. The results of the calculations would show all three pages as having 0.15.

It may suit site functionality to link to pages that have no links going from them without losing any PageRank from the other pages but it would be waste of potential PageRank. Take a look at this example. The site's potential is 5 because it has 5 pages, but without page E linked in, the site only has 4.15.

Link page A to page E and click Calculate. Notice that the site's total has gone down very significantly. But, because the new link is dangling and would be removed from the calculations, we can ignore the new total and assume the previous 4.15 to be true. That's the effect of functionally useful, dangling links in the site. There's no overall PageRank loss.

However, some of the site's potential total is still being wasted, so link Page E back to Page A and click Calculate. Now we have the maximum PageRank that is possible with 5 pages. Nothing is being wasted.

Although it may be functionally good to link to pages within the site without those pages linking out again, it is bad for PageRank. It is pointless wasting PageRank unnecessarily, so always make sure that every page in the site links out to at least one other page in the site.

Inbound and Outbound links

Inbound and Outbound links

Examples of these could be given but it is probably clearer to read about them (below) and to 'play' with them in the calculator.


When a page has several links to another page, are all the links counted?

E.g. if page A links once to page B and 3 times to page C, does page C receive 3/4 of page A's shareable PageRank?

The PageRank concept is that a page casts votes for one or more other pages. Nothing is said in the original PageRank document about a page casting more than one vote for a single page. The idea seems to be against the PageRank concept and would certainly be open to manipulation by unrealistically proportioning votes for target pages. E.g. if an outbound link, or a link to an unimportant page, is necessary, add a bunch of links to an important page to minimize the effect.

Since we are unlikely to get a definitive answer from Google, it is reasonable to assume that a page can cast only one vote for another page, and that additional votes for the same page are not counted.

When a page links to itself, is the link counted?

Again, the concept is that pages cast votes for other pages. Nothing is said in the original document about pages casting votes for themselves. The idea seems to be against the concept and, also, it would be another way to manipulate the results. So, for those reasons, it is reasonable to assume that a page can't vote for itself, and that such links are not counted.

What can we do with this 'overall' PageRank?

What can we do with this 'overall' PageRank?

We are going to look at some example calculations to see how a site's PageRank can be manipulated, but before doing that, I need to point out that a page will be included in the Google index only if one or more pages on the web link to it. That's according to Google. If a page is not in the Google index, any links from it can't be included in the calculations.

For the examples, we are going to ignore that fact, mainly because other 'Pagerank Explained' type documents ignore it in the calculations, and it might be confusing when comparing documents. The calculator operates in two modes:- Simple and Real. In Simple mode, the calculations assume that all pages are in the Google index, whether or not any other pages link to them. In Real mode the calculations disregard unlinked-to pages. These examples show the results as calculated in Simple mode.

Let's consider a 3 page site (pages A, B and C) with no links coming in from the outside. We will allocate each page an initial PageRank of 1, although it makes no difference whether we start each page with 1, 0 or 99. Apart from a few millionths of a PageRank point, after many iterations the end result is always the same. Starting with 1 requires fewer iterations for the PageRanks to converge to a suitable result than when starting with 0 or any other number. You may want to use a pencil and paper to follow this or you can follow it with the calculator.

The site's maximum PageRank is the amount of PageRank in the site. In this case, we have 3 pages so the site's maximum is 3.

At the moment, none of the pages link to any other pages and none link to them. If you make the calculation once for each page, you'll find that each of them ends up with a PageRank of 0.15. No matter how many iterations you run, each page's PageRank remains at 0.15. The total PageRank in the site = 0.45, whereas it could be 3. The site is seriously wasting most of its potential PageRank.

Example 1

Now begin again with each page being allocated PR1. Link page A to page B and run the calculations for each page. We end up with:-
Page A = 0.15
Page B = 1
Page C = 0.15

Page A has "voted" for page B and, as a result, page B's PageRank has increased. This is looking good for page B, but it's only 1 iteration - we haven't taken account of the Catch 22 situation. Look at what happens to the figures after more iterations:-

After 100 iterations the figures are:-
Page A = 0.15
Page B = 0.2775
Page C = 0.15

It still looks good for page B but nowhere near as good as it did. These figures are more realistic. The total PageRank in the site is now 0.5775 - slightly better but still only a fraction of what it could be.

Technically, these particular results are incorrect because of the special treatment that Google gives to dangling links, but they serve to demonstrate the simple calculation.

Example 2

Try this linkage. Link all pages to all pages. Each page starts with PR1 again. This produces:-
Page A = 1
Page B = 1
Page C = 1

Now we've achieved the maximum. No matter how many iterations are run, each page always ends up with PR1. The same results occur by linking in a loop. E.g. A to B, B to C and C to D. View this in the calculator.

This has demonstrated that, by poor linking, it is quite easy to waste PageRank and by good linking, we can achieve a site's full potential. But we don't particularly want all the site's pages to have an equal share. We want one or more pages to have a larger share at the expense of others. The kinds of pages that we might want to have the larger shares are the index page, hub pages and pages that are optimized for certain search terms. We have only 3 pages, so we'll channel the PageRank to the index page - page A. It will serve to show the idea of channeling.

Example 3

Now try this. Link page A to both B and C. Also link pages B and C to A. Starting with PR1 all round, after 1 iteration the results are:-
Page A = 1.85
Page B = 0.575
Page C = 0.575

and after 100 iterations, the results are:-
Page A = 1.459459
Page B = 0.7702703
Page C = 0.7702703

In both cases the total PageRank in the site is 3 (the maximum) so none is being wasted. Also in both cases you can see that page A has a much larger proportion of the PageRank than the other 2 pages. This is because pages B and C are passing PageRank to A and not to any other pages. We have channeled a large proportion of the site's PageRank to where we wanted it.

Example 4

Finally, keep the previous links and add a link from page C to page B. Start again with PR1 all round. After 1 iteration:-
Page A = 1.425
Page B = 1
Page C = 0.575

By comparison to the 1 iteration figures in the previous example, page A has lost some PageRank, page B has gained some and page C stayed the same. Page C now shares its "vote" between A and B. Previously A received all of it. That's why page A has lost out and why page B has gained. and after 100 iterations:-
Page A = 1.298245
Page B = 0.9999999
Page C = 0.7017543

When the dust has settled, page C has lost a little PageRank because, having now shared its vote between A and B, instead of giving it all to A, A has less to give to C in the A-->C link. So adding an extra link from a page causes the page to lose PageRank indirectly if any of the pages that it links to return the link. If the pages that it links to don't return the link, then no PageRank loss would have occured. To make it more complicated, if the link is returned even indirectly (via a page that links to a page that links to a page etc), the page will lose a little PageRank. This isn't really important with internal links, but it does matter when linking to pages outside the site.

Example 5: new pages

Adding new pages to a site is an important way of increasing a site's total PageRank because each new page will add an average of 1 to the total. Once the new pages have been added, their new PageRank can be channeled to the important pages. We'll use the calculator to demonstrate these.

Let's add 3 new pages to Example 3 [view]. Three new pages but they don't do anything for us yet. The small increase in the Total, and the new pages' 0.15, are unrealistic as we shall see. So let's link them into the site.

Link each of the new pages to the important page, page A [view]. Notice that the Total PageRank has doubled, from 3 (without the new pages) to 6. Notice also that page A's PageRank has almost doubled.

There is one thing wrong with this model. The new pages are orphans. They wouldn't get into Google's index, so they wouldn't add any PageRank to the site and they wouldn't pass any PageRank to page A. They each need to be linked to from at least one other page. If page A is the important page, the best page to put the links on is, surprisingly, page A [view]. You can play around with the links but, from page A's point of view, there isn't a better place for them.

It is not a good idea for one page to link to a large number of pages so, if you are adding many new pages, spread the links around. The chances are that there is more than one important page in a site, so it is usually suitable to spread the links to and from the new pages. You can use the calculator to experiment with mini-models of a site to find the best links that produce the best results for its important pages.

Examples summary

You can see that, by organising the internal links, it is possible to channel a site's PageRank to selected pages. Internal links can be arranged to suit a site's PageRank needs, but it is only useful if Google knows about the pages, so do try to ensure that Google spiders them.

Internal linking (3)

Internal linking

Fact: A website has a maximum amount of PageRank that is distributed between its pages by internal links.

The maximum PageRank in a site equals the number of pages in the site * 1. The maximum is increased by inbound links from other sites and decreased by outbound links to other sites. We are talking about the overall PageRank in the site and not the PageRank of any individual page. You don't have to take my word for it. You can reach the same conclusion by using a pencil and paper and the equation.

Fact: The maximum amount of PageRank in a site increases as the number of pages in the site increases.

The more pages that a site has, the more PageRank it has. Again, by using a pencil and paper and the equation, you can come to the same conclusion. Bear in mind that the only pages that count are the ones that Google knows about.

Fact: By linking poorly, it is possible to fail to reach the site's maximum PageRank, but it is not possible to exceed it.

Poor internal linkages can cause a site to fall short of its maximum but no kind of internal link structure can cause a site to exceed it. The only way to increase the maximum is to add more inbound links and/or increase the number of pages in the site.

Cautions: Whilst I thoroughly recommend creating and adding new pages to increase a site's total PageRank so that it can be channeled to specific pages, there are certain types of pages that should not be added. These are pages that are all identical or very nearly identical and are known as cookie-cutters. Google considers them to be spam and they can trigger an alarm that causes the pages, and possibly the entire site, to be penalized. Pages full of good content are a must.

How is PageRank calculated?

How is PageRank calculated?

To calculate the PageRank for a page, all of its inbound links are taken into account. These are links from within the site and links from outside the site.

PR(A) = (1-d) + d(PR(t1)/C(t1) + ... + PR(tn)/C(tn))

That's the equation that calculates a page's PageRank. It's the original one that was published when PageRank was being developed, and it is probable that Google uses a variation of it but they aren't telling us what it is. It doesn't matter though, as this equation is good enough.

In the equation 't1 - tn' are pages linking to page A, 'C' is the number of outbound links that a page has and 'd' is a damping factor, usually set to 0.85.

We can think of it in a simpler way:-

a page's PageRank = 0.15 + 0.85 * (a "share" of the PageRank of every page that links to it)

"share" = the linking page's PageRank divided by the number of outbound links on the page.

A page "votes" an amount of PageRank onto each page that it links to. The amount of PageRank that it has to vote with is a little less than its own PageRank value (its own value * 0.85). This value is shared equally between all the pages that it links to.

From this, we could conclude that a link from a page with PR4 and 5 outbound links is worth more than a link from a page with PR8 and 100 outbound links. The PageRank of a page that links to yours is important but the number of links on that page is also important. The more links there are on a page, the less PageRank value your page will receive from it.

If the PageRank value differences between PR1, PR2,.....PR10 were equal then that conclusion would hold up, but many people believe that the values between PR1 and PR10 (the maximum) are set on a logarithmic scale, and there is very good reason for believing it. Nobody outside Google knows for sure one way or the other, but the chances are high that the scale is logarithmic, or similar. If so, it means that it takes a lot more additional PageRank for a page to move up to the next PageRank level that it did to move up from the previous PageRank level. The result is that it reverses the previous conclusion, so that a link from a PR8 page that has lots of outbound links is worth more than a link from a PR4 page that has only a few outbound links.

Whichever scale Google uses, we can be sure of one thing. A link from another site increases our site's PageRank. Just remember to avoid links from link farms.

Note that when a page votes its PageRank value to other pages, its own PageRank is not reduced by the value that it is voting. The page doing the voting doesn't give away its PageRank and end up with nothing. It isn't a transfer of PageRank. It is simply a vote according to the page's PageRank value. It's like a shareholders meeting where each shareholder votes according to the number of shares held, but the shares themselves aren't given away. Even so, pages do lose some PageRank indirectly, as we'll see later.

Ok so far? Good. Now we'll look at how the calculations are actually done.

For a page's calculation, its existing PageRank (if it has any) is abandoned completely and a fresh calculation is done where the page relies solely on the PageRank "voted" for it by its current inbound links, which may have changed since the last time the page's PageRank was calculated.

The equation shows clearly how a page's PageRank is arrived at. But what isn't immediately obvious is that it can't work if the calculation is done just once. Suppose we have 2 pages, A and B, which link to each other, and neither have any other links of any kind. This is what happens:-

Step 1: Calculate page A's PageRank from the value of its inbound links

Page A now has a new PageRank value. The calculation used the value of the inbound link from page B. But page B has an inbound link (from page A) and its new PageRank value hasn't been worked out yet, so page A's new PageRank value is based on inaccurate data and can't be accurate.

Step 2: Calculate page B's PageRank from the value of its inbound links

Google Page Ranked (1)

What is PageRank?

PageRank is a numeric value that represents how important a page is on the web. Google figures that when one page links to another page, it is effectively casting a vote for the other page. The more votes that are cast for a page, the more important the page must be. Also, the importance of the page that is casting the vote determines how important the vote itself is. Google calculates a page's importance from the votes cast for it. How important each vote is is taken into account when a page's PageRank is calculated.
PageRank is Google's way of deciding a page's importance. It matters because it is one of the factors that determines a page's ranking in the search results. It isn't the only factor that Google uses to rank pages, but it is an important one.

From here on in, we'll occasionally refer to PageRank as "PR".

Not all links are counted by Google. For instance, they filter out links from known link farms. Some links can cause a site to be penalized by Google. They rightly figure that webmasters cannot control which sites link to their sites, but they can control which sites they link out to. For this reason, links into a site cannot harm the site, but links from a site can be harmful if they link to penalized sites. So be careful which sites you link to. If a site has PR0, it is usually a penalty, and it would be unwise to link to it.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Manual Arsenal

Hong Kong Zip/Postal Codes

HongKong does not have any Zip code or postal code. Only China has postal code. Hong Kong and Macau, which have their own postal systems. If you need to fill up an addresses just leave it blank ot just put XXXXXXXX on it. Just put the complete address without any post/zipe code.

Hope this helps.

How do i collect money from a paypal account?...

How do i collect money from a paypal account? I am planning on selling something on ebay. How do i get the money from my paypal account?

You can register your bank account (this must be an account that can send out and receive electronic payments) with PayPal and then transfer funds in between your bank and your PayPal account. For information about managing and accessing money received through a PayPal account (go to your country specific PayPal site for local financial regulations guidelines), see here:;jsessionid=pxjVT1cZcFhmgqTDKKrQ1LV2q5bQ7gv9XndSJFCrG1hpM1pmgrGZ!1869012266?locale=en_GB&_dyncharset=UTF-8&countrycode=GB&cmd=_help&serverInstance=9002&t=solutionTab&ft=browseTab&ps=solutionPanels&solutionId=163301&isSrch=Yes

I hope this helps.

From your average rating of my answer, you appear to have been hoping for better news. I am sorry the news was not better. Sadly, it is not within my power to make the news any better than it actually is. All a solution provider can do is reflect the facts as they are.

The PayPal System is a commercial, revenue generating business model. It is designed to earn revenue for PayPal as well as to provide users with a secure, safe way to complete transactions over the internet. So, PayPal is set up to keep any money in users' PayPal accounts for as long as possible, so that as many transactions as possible are conducted via PayPal, each transaction earning a fee for PayPal.

However, the Law requires bank (or similar financial organisations) account holders to be able to directly access any cash held in their accounts if they so wish. PayPal complies with the Law by allowing money from a PayPal account to be transferred to a bank account as long as that bank account is registered with and verified by PayPal. PayPal can justify this convoluted and indirect method of allowing account holder access to cash, on both the maintenance of PayPal account security grounds and compliance with Money Laundering Legislation grounds.

I believe that PayPal also have an Own Brand MasterCard, operated for PayPal by Santander Bank, to and from which PayPal account funds can also be transferred.

The only other possible way of realising cash from PayPal Accounts, depending on where the user lives, is by purchasing something online with PayPal funds that can then be physically returned for a Cash Refund from a physical branch of the company that supplied the item in the town or city where the user lives.

As an example, in the UK (specifically London), discounted travel can be paid for using a Debit Card called Oyster which can be obtained, for a small, fully refundable deposit, from any underground and most overground train stations as well as from a network of authorised Oyster retailers in the city. It is possible to top up the Oyster card online, using PayPal funds. The Oyster Card can then be cashed in for its full cash balance plus card deposit at any London Underground and most overground Train Stations. The user can then later pay the small deposit for a new Oyster Card.

In this 'Refund' method it is, of course, essential to establish, beforehand, the exact refund policy of the supplier before going ahead with any purchase. Some suppliers may, on security grounds, exercise the right to refuse a cash refund and to, instead, re-credit the relevant PayPal account.

That's all I can think of.

I hope you consider this to be better news.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Backyard Monsters Loading issues

Try these:

1. Refresh you page one or better yet twice.

2. Update your browser.
There are several documented issues surrounding Internet Explorer 8 (IE 8) or Internet Explorer 9 (IE 9) and Flash content. If you are using IE 8 or IE 9, we suggest that you try a new browser such as Safari 4, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome. We also recommend that you always make sure that you are using the latest version of your browser. These are the last versions of the different browsers that support Kixeye games:

* Google Chrome 8.0
* Mozilla 5.0
* Safari 4

3. Clear your cache

4. Verify that JavaScript is enabled

5. Close your other internet applications, especially any file-sharing applications or concurrent streaming video.

6. Disable pop-up blocking or ad blocking software.

7. Download the latest Flash player if you do not currently have it. Reboot your system. Adjust your Flash settings to give Flash permission to store information on your computer.

8. Lastly, you can contact a Kixeye rep if there might be a bug there. Post it. When posting Bug Reports please include: your userid (beneath the game), Operating System, Browser + Flash version.

Hope this helps.

Backyard Monsters Loading issues

Try these:

1. Refresh you page one or better yet twice.

2. Update your browser.
There are several documented issues surrounding Internet Explorer 8 (IE 8) or Internet Explorer 9 (IE 9) and Flash content. If you are using IE 8 or IE 9, we suggest that you try a new browser such as Safari 4, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome. We also recommend that you always make sure that you are using the latest version of your browser. These are the last versions of the different browsers that support Kixeye games:

* Google Chrome 8.0
* Mozilla 5.0
* Safari 4

3. Clear your cache

4. Verify that JavaScript is enabled

5. Close your other internet applications, especially any file-sharing applications or concurrent streaming video.

6. Disable pop-up blocking or ad blocking software.

7. Download the latest Flash player if you do not currently have it. Reboot your system. Adjust your Flash settings to give Flash permission to store information on your computer.

8. Lastly, you can contact a Kixeye rep if there might be a bug there. Post it. When posting Bug Reports please include: your userid (beneath the game), Operating System, Browser + Flash version.

Hope this helps.

West Africa Zip Code

There is no Zip Codes in Accra, Ghana, West Africa.

Because there is no home delivery of letters or parcels; most people have post office boxes. An address would be something like this:

P.O. Box 4573 AN Means post office box number
Accra-North Means actual post office location
Accra, Ghana City and Country

Hope that helps.

Ebay Received Damaged Item

Do this:

Contact the seller. -As soon as possible you should contact your seller to advise that the item has arrived damaged. Check also if it comes with insurance.

Also, send a photograph of the damage - this can be as an attachment to your email. The seller may require the item to be returned to them and, again, you should comply with this but make sure you send the item by trackable means in case you later need to make a paypal claim.

Once the seller has decided to issue a refund this should be completed within a reasonable time. If the refund is not forthcoming you may open a paypal claim to obtain a refund. The claim is called 'Significantly Not As Described' SNAD) and will entitle you to a full refund less return postage costs. You will have to return the item by trackable means and enter the tracking number online.

If the seller does not reply. -File a dispute and escalate it to ebay. Ebay would tell you to send the item back and where to send it. There is no reason to communicate with the seller after the case has been escalated. Return the item with Delivery Confirmation. Once the item shows as delivered back to the seller, you will receive your refund.

Hope this helps.

Zip Codes

All Games: Troubleshooting Loading or Connection Issues

1. Refresh you page one or better yet twice.

2. Update your browser.
There are several documented issues surrounding Internet Explorer 8 (IE 8) or Internet Explorer 9 (IE 9) and Flash content. If you are using IE 8 or IE 9, I suggest that you try a new browser such as Safari 4, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome. I also recommend that you always make sure that you are using the latest version of your browser. These are the last versions of the different browsers that support Zynga games:

* Google Chrome 8.0
* Mozilla 5.0
* Safari 4

3. Clear your cache

4. Verify that JavaScript is enabled

5. Close your other internet applications, especially any file-sharing applications or concurrent streaming video.

6. Disable pop-up blocking or ad blocking software.

7. Download the latest Flash player if you do not currently have it. Reboot your system. Adjust your Flash settings to give Flash permission to store information on your computer.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Speeddate Unsubscribe

Here are ways to ussubscribe:

Try to block the app, if you have to re-add it or go to the app page then hit block. It will no longer be allowed to notify you

you can go to this link:

You can also go to your email messages from speed date. At the bottom part of it you can see an unsubscribe information too.

Hope this helps.

Backyard Monster not connecting

Try clearing your cache, try in another operating system, browser (i.e. Google Chrome) or upgrade your Adobe Flash Player (newest version).

If this fails or if you might have a bug (an error message appears). You should report it to their rep.

Your report should contain the following information:

1. A title that contains the specific error message you are seeing
2. Your User ID (located at the bottom left corner of the game screen, by the KIXEYE logo)
3. Again, the actual specific error message or condition you are seeing
4. System information from the following link:

How to gather system details:

Click the link ( and wait until the page stops loading data.
Click the button that says "Export CSV".
Find the file that gets downloaded onto your computer.
Open that file with Notepad, TextEdit, or any other text editor.
Copy all the information from the file.
Paste that information into your forum post. It will look something like this:
OS Type,OS Version,Browser Type,IP Address,Javascript Enabled,Cookies Enabled,Color Depth,Screen Resolution,Browser Window Size,Flash Version,Full Flash Version,User Agent
"Apple Mac","OS X 10.7.1 Intel","Chrome 13.0.782.218","12.345.67.890","Yes","Yes","24 bit","1920 x 1080","1356 x 866","10","10.3.183","Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_1) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.218 Safari/535.1"

Please note that the portion above in bold is your IP address. You may wish to obscure the last three digits of this with XXXs.

Sombody will assist you as soon as possible.

Hope this helps.

Moshi Monster Secret Codes

I don't know what kind of code your looking for specifically. But I have a Mopod and Arby's Code list here. Just enter the following codes in the Mopod or Arby's code box to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Effect Code

The Flaming Sword Of Awesomeness 9mt4gmc4nm4y
The Haunted Diamond Tiara 33r3hdhd8t6y
The Purple Goblet Of Goosebump Gulch r7ckafnjdpgu
The Black Pearl Of Potion jkydpd7xctdr
The Lost Marbles Of Eggleton 6gw7areyh49u
18 Carat Shiny Parrot n89d6679t7cy
The Sneezy Flute Of Pepperbomb Geyser 9g4k3p9mhfp
The Shimmering Snaggletooth Sapphire x4d8u834e3xf
18 Karat Shiny Parrot: N8AD6679T7CY
200 free rox:READERBONUS6 (expired)
50 free rox: WHSMITH (expired)
Animated Dance Floor: PUZZLEPALACE
Balloon Launcher: MTVTJHBEWH24
Black Pearl of Potion Ocean: JKYDPD7XCTDR
Blobert: moshimoshi11
Confetti Rocket: profpurplex6
Dustbin Beaver Poster: giftisland23
Fizzbang Poster: DEMONSTA
Flaming Sword of Awesomeness: 9mt4gmc4nm4y
Fossil: dailygrowl74
Fun Flowers: fangtastic
GB Eye Monster Poster: DJQUACK2
Glumpcake Wallpaper: ADVENTURE
Goblet of Goosebump Gulch: r7ckafnjdpgu
Hamsterball: moshlingzoo1
Haunted Diamond Tiara: 33r3hdhd8t6y
Lavaflow Floor: sludgestreet
Liberty Poster: ONEWORLD
Lost Marbles of Eggleton: 6gw7areyh49u
Monstro City Map: monstrocity1
Moshling Collector Chart (Poster): allmoshlings
Mr Juggles: moshifunpark
R2 Trashcan: gingersnap11
Radiant Roxy Rose: HOBBIDIDANCE
Rainbow Maker: googenhime22 (It is spelt with 'hime' and not 'heim')
Shakesfear Bust: BARDBRAIN
Shimmery Snaggletooth Sapphire: x4d8u834e3xf
Snail Fossil:DAILYGROWL74
Sneezy Flute of Pepper Geyser: 9g4k3p9mltfp
Squishy Stool: monsters
Switchy Tyre Ring: NAY76767
Telegroan Booth: RINGRING
Top Trumps Poster: amphisbaenae
Turbo Top Toy: bigbadbill31
Wiggly Wallpaper: port

Hope this helps.

How to get shiny - Backyard Mushrooms

You can get Shiny by picking mushrooms (click on a mushroom) Or you can buy shiny with fb credits.

Hope this helps.

Cafe World Slow then freezes

Sometimes CafeWorld servers are too busy because too many players are playing. But here are quick fixes, one of them might help you.
- Changed web browser from Internet Explorer to Firefox or Google chrome.
- Run a registry cleaner to get rid of unwanted registry keys.
- Update your adobe flash player to the most recent version.
- Try closing all applications and open windows, reset computer to release all memory.
Hope this one of these answers will have your CW account up and running again.

CA3 Alert (Malay)

Berikut adalah bagaimana anda melakukannya.
langkah pertama
Menukar alamat e-mel anda dikaitkan dengan akaun buku muka anda.
pergi untuk menghadapi buku, kemudian ke akaun, maka ketetapan akaun menukar e-mel ke alamat e-mel baru. facebook akanmenghantar anda e-mel pengesahan kepada alamat peti masuk e-mel baru anda, ikuti pautan untuk mengesahkan. kini kembali untukmenghadapi buku dan kembali ke tetapan akaun, dan menukare-mel ke alamat e-mel baru ... jangan lupa untuk mengeluarkanalamat e-mel yang lama (hacked) pada titik ini. dan yang kawan-kawan saya .... bekerja untuk saya, harap ia berfungsi untuk andajuga.