Thursday, September 15, 2011

Backyard Monster not connecting

Try clearing your cache, try in another operating system, browser (i.e. Google Chrome) or upgrade your Adobe Flash Player (newest version).

If this fails or if you might have a bug (an error message appears). You should report it to their rep.

Your report should contain the following information:

1. A title that contains the specific error message you are seeing
2. Your User ID (located at the bottom left corner of the game screen, by the KIXEYE logo)
3. Again, the actual specific error message or condition you are seeing
4. System information from the following link:

How to gather system details:

Click the link ( and wait until the page stops loading data.
Click the button that says "Export CSV".
Find the file that gets downloaded onto your computer.
Open that file with Notepad, TextEdit, or any other text editor.
Copy all the information from the file.
Paste that information into your forum post. It will look something like this:
OS Type,OS Version,Browser Type,IP Address,Javascript Enabled,Cookies Enabled,Color Depth,Screen Resolution,Browser Window Size,Flash Version,Full Flash Version,User Agent
"Apple Mac","OS X 10.7.1 Intel","Chrome 13.0.782.218","12.345.67.890","Yes","Yes","24 bit","1920 x 1080","1356 x 866","10","10.3.183","Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_1) AppleWebKit/535.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/13.0.782.218 Safari/535.1"

Please note that the portion above in bold is your IP address. You may wish to obscure the last three digits of this with XXXs.

Sombody will assist you as soon as possible.

Hope this helps.

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